


網路犯罪與委外服務是Lumension Security與Ponemon Institute從問卷調查中,依據因素分析而得的頭兩項安全考量。調查中發現,有50%的IT營運人員認為委外是相當急迫且近期的嚴重風險,而此同時,有75%的IT安全專家表明網路犯罪是一項重大的課題。

在 The 2008 Security Mega Trends Survey中發現在未來兩年中,較多人熟知的IT風險是企業中對於個人隱私與機密資料的保護風險。而在訪談營運及資安專家中,下列八項問題是他們心目中最主要的資安趨勢,依序為:雲端運算、需你化、行動化與行動裝置、網路犯罪、委外到第三方廠商、資料損壞與身分竊取風險、P2P檔案分享及Web 2.0等。

• Outsourced IT is a Major Concern: As companies look to reduce costs based on economic factors in 2009, outsourcing will continue to be an attractive option for efficiency gains. The security risks associated with outsourcing are tremendous according to survey data. The top risks posed by outsourcing according to IT security (50%) and IT operations (59%) respondents is the exposure of sensitive information to third parties and the threat that that data will be improperly protected in transit.

• Data Breaches and Cybercrime are on the Rise: Survey results indicated that the biggest concern relative to data loss is the threat of data making it into the hands of cyber thieves (46% for IT security and 24% for IT operations), thus wreaking continued havoc not just on the customers whose data was stolen but also on the organizations responsible for that lost data. IT survey participants reported that 92 percent of the organizations have experienced a cyber attack The injury to corporate brands as a result of a major data loss incident is critical, especially in an economic downturn

• Workforce Mobility Contributes to Data Loss: IT security and IT operations' respondents (96% and 91% respectively) agree that employee mobility introduces a significant threat to securing corporate data as it diminishes IT's ability to properly identify and authenticate remote users on the network.

• Emerging technologies - Web 2.0, P2P, virtualization and cloud computing - are growing in prevalence with Cloud computing causing the most concern: The influx of new technologies - both business and consumer technologies - has opened additional avenues for cyber thieves to steal trade secrets and confidential business information. Cloud computing came out on top with 61 percent of respondents ranking it as a major security concern among the emerging technology trends. Virtualization was perceived as the least concerning at this time, though survey respondents cited all of these types of technologies as key concerns in the next year, where the increased risk to expose sensitive data ranked highest among both respondent groups.
